St. Louis Archives - Only In Your State ® Discover What's In Your Own Backyard Sat, 30 Sep 2023 23:49:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 St. Louis Archives - Only In Your State ® 32 32 A Street Food Festival Is Coming To St. Louis And You Won’t Want To Miss It Fri, 22 Sep 2023 19:16:11 +0000 There are many reasons to love fall in Missouri, including all of the wonderful festivals that pop up around the state. The cooler weather and autumnal colors are the perfect invitation to spend your weekends outdoors, and there’s one particular festival that the entire family will enjoy. The first-ever St....

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There are many reasons to love fall in Missouri, including all of the wonderful festivals that pop up around the state. The cooler weather and autumnal colors are the perfect invitation to spend your weekends outdoors, and there’s one particular festival that the entire family will enjoy. The first-ever St. Louis Street Food Festival will be taking over Ballpark Village October 14 – 15, 2023, and this is one festival you won’t want to miss. 

Tickets to the St. Louis Street Fair Festival are on sale now. Be sure to follow the St. Louis Street Fair Festival on Facebook so you don’t miss any special announcements as the event gets closer.

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Some People Don’t Know That St. Louis Was The First To Do These 11 Things Thu, 08 Jun 2023 00:38:07 +0000 Every city in the nation is responsible for doing something for the first time, including St. Louis. Over the years, there have been quite a few St. Louis firsts, and there’s no denying that they’ve contributed greatly to the history of our nation. Listed below are 11 things that St....

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Every city in the nation is responsible for doing something for the first time, including St. Louis. Over the years, there have been quite a few St. Louis firsts, and there’s no denying that they’ve contributed greatly to the history of our nation. Listed below are 11 things that St. Louis did first.

What a great list of St. Louis firsts! Did any of these St. Louis firsts surprise you? If so, let us know in the comments below.

In addition to St. Louis firsts, there were many more firsts in Missouri.

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The 7 Very Best Day Trips You Can Possibly Take Around St. Louis Sun, 04 Jun 2023 18:07:46 +0000 If you only have a day to get away, then these trips are a perfect fit. You can take a walking tour of historic buildings constructed in the 1700s, spend the day floating down a lazy river, explore a cave, or walk across one of the oldest wooden bridges in...

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If you only have a day to get away, then these trips are a perfect fit. You can take a walking tour of historic buildings constructed in the 1700s, spend the day floating down a lazy river, explore a cave, or walk across one of the oldest wooden bridges in Missouri. And all are beautiful short drives any time of year in Missouri. Check out this list of the best day trips from St. Louis to help you plan your next adventure:

Are you ready to embark on one of these day trips from St. Louis? Are there any day trips near you in Missouri that we should all make sure to take? Share your experience and photos with us in the comments.

State parks are a wonderful way to get out of the city and connect with nature. Check out these 10 amazing state parks near St. Louis for your next outdoor adventure.

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Everyone In St. Louis Should Visit This Epic Flea Market At Least Once Thu, 09 Mar 2023 22:25:06 +0000 The best flea markets in Missouri are places with something for everyone, are easy to find, have great parking, and friendly people. An epic flea market in Missouri is one where vendors camp overnight just to get one of the 400 available spots! The Wentzville Flea Market is has of...

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The best flea markets in Missouri are places with something for everyone, are easy to find, have great parking, and friendly people. An epic flea market in Missouri is one where vendors camp overnight just to get one of the 400 available spots! The Wentzville Flea Market is has of that and more for your flea market adventure.

The Wentzville Flea Market in Wentzville is open every Sunday, rain or shine, and is operated by the Community Club of Wentzville. They use the proceeds of the operation to fund charitable causes in the area. It is one of the best flea markets in Missouri and is a great place to find treasures! Read below to see how amazing this place is.

A day at the Wentzville Flea Market in Wentzville is perfect when it’s pleasantly warm outside, but even in the cold of our winter months, you can find vendors ready to introduce you to your next favorite thing.

The Wentzville Community Club hosts the flea market each Sunday, as well as bingo twice each month. They help many charitable organizations with revenue raised at the community club, and even provide scholarships to local high school students! You can find more information and directions on their official website: Wentzville Community Club.

Have you visited the Wentzville Flea Market? If so, do you think it’s one of the best flea markets in Missouri? Share your neat finds and experiences with us in the comments below, and don’t forget to nominate your favorite flea markets for the chance to see them featured in an upcoming article! Do you love flea markets in Missouri? Check out more of the best flea markets in Missouri.

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These 9 Breathtaking Waterfalls Are Hiding In St. Louis Sun, 05 Feb 2023 00:17:19 +0000 It’s not always easy finding a waterfall in a big city, let alone waterfall hikes near St. Louis. Waterfalls are awesome to look at, though. The sound of water as it hits the pool below is very peaceful and relaxing. When you don’t want to drive far from home but...

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It’s not always easy finding a waterfall in a big city, let alone waterfall hikes near St. Louis. Waterfalls are awesome to look at, though. The sound of water as it hits the pool below is very peaceful and relaxing. When you don’t want to drive far from home but you crave the serenity a good waterfall brings, you may not have to go as far as you think. Here are nine breathtaking waterfalls in St. Louis to help you escape the hustle and bustle of city living; looking for something to the effect of waterfalls near me? If you’re in the St. Louis area, these are some of the best hidden waterfalls, as well as some that are right out in the open – and even some of the best waterfall hikes you’ll find in the area.

Hopefully, you’ll find some time to take one of these waterfall hikes near St. Louis. We hope our list of the best hidden waterfalls – and not so hidden waterfalls – in St. Louis will help take your mind off of things and enjoy nature for a while. Did we miss any? If so, leave a comment and let us know! Speaking of waterfalls, this waterfall swimming hole in Missouri is perfect for a hot summer day.

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Here Are The 13 Most Dangerous Places In St. Louis After Dark Thu, 22 Dec 2022 20:33:06 +0000 As of April 2017, St. Louis has the highest murder rate in the nation. The violence in the city is escalating at alarming rates. However, local government agencies are working with the governor of Missouri to clean up our streets and restore peace to our beautiful city. While that process...

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As of April 2017, St. Louis has the highest murder rate in the nation. The violence in the city is escalating at alarming rates. However, local government agencies are working with the governor of Missouri to clean up our streets and restore peace to our beautiful city. While that process is ongoing, it is good to know which areas to avoid in St. Louis.

The following information is for the year 2017 through the end of June. I found the data in a current St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Crime Report. Please keep in mind I am not encouraging anyone to avoid these neighborhoods or attractions in these neighborhoods. With any big city, you should always be aware of your surroundings and be safe. Lock your car doors, don’t pick up strangers, don’t drive through neighborhoods you are unfamiliar with, and be aware of your surroundings when walking to your car.

The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department reported the following places as the top 13 St. Louis neighborhoods you don’t want to get caught in after dark.

Even though these are the realities of the world we live in today, there are steps you can take to keep your family safe. Many of these neighborhoods are also the best neighborhoods to live in. The culture and history cannot be beaten and there are many really great people in St. Louis.

The numbers are high and disturbing when broken down, but don’t give up yet. Join your local public meetings and become a part of the solution. Our city is worth saving. If you think you won’t make a difference you are wrong. The more people who are involved in our neighborhoods, the bigger difference we can make.

Want to see more on dangerous towns? Check out the 10 Most Dangerous Towns in Missouri to Live In.

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13 Reasons Why St. Louis Is The Most Unique City In America Wed, 05 Oct 2022 02:51:02 +0000 St. Louisans are treated to what is perhaps one of the loveliest landscapes in the country, as well as one of the most diverse communities. We love it here and (though we’re admittedly a bit biased) there really is no place like our hometown. With so much to see and...

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St. Louisans are treated to what is perhaps one of the loveliest landscapes in the country, as well as one of the most diverse communities. We love it here and (though we’re admittedly a bit biased) there really is no place like our hometown. With so much to see and do, it is no wonder that tourists flock to the city to take in its culture. In fact, the city has such a notable personality that it is arguably the most unique city in the nation. For proof of this, look no further than the following list of things unique to St. Louis. Whether you’re an out-of-towner or a local, you’re bound to be impressed by all the cool things to do in St. Louis!

With so much to love, it’s no surprise that St. Louis boasts a population of around 315,000 across only 66 square miles. The city is endlessly charming, and it is truly one-of-a-kind.

Did you enjoy reading about these things unique to St. Louis? Which features do you think make our city stand out from others? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below — we would love to hear from you!

Love St. Louis culture? You’ll adore these coveted and time-tested restaurants.

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These 8 Unique Restaurants In St. Louis Will Give You An Unforgettable Dining Experience Fri, 30 Sep 2022 23:28:52 +0000 There’s no shortage of delicious food in St. Louis, but some restaurants just take your meal to a whole new level of awesome when the dining experience is truly one-of-a-kind. These eight fun places to eat in St. Louis do just that by combining fantastic food with a fun atmosphere...

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There’s no shortage of delicious food in St. Louis, but some restaurants just take your meal to a whole new level of awesome when the dining experience is truly one-of-a-kind. These eight fun places to eat in St. Louis do just that by combining fantastic food with a fun atmosphere that adds something extra special to your meal in an unforgettable way!

Are you hungry yet? Grab your forks and knives – this is one unforgettable food journey. Bon appetit! 

What are some of your go-to fun places to eat in St. Louis? Feel free to share them with us in the comments below — we would love to hear from you!

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6 Slow-Paced Small Towns Near St. Louis Where Life Is Still Simple Fri, 09 Sep 2022 23:05:20 +0000 St. Louis doesn’t have the same fast-paced city feel as other big cities. In fact, it can feel like a small town sometimes. Those times are never during rush hour on any of our highways, though; as you try to get to your exit early on any weekday morning, life...

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St. Louis doesn’t have the same fast-paced city feel as other big cities. In fact, it can feel like a small town sometimes. Those times are never during rush hour on any of our highways, though; as you try to get to your exit early on any weekday morning, life in a small town in Missouri can seem like a dream. And, in some ways, life in these towns is a dream. You don’t have to fight traffic every day, people are more apt to remember your name, and it is so peaceful. Here are some of our favorite small towns that just so happen to be pretty close to St. Louis:

It can be tempting to trade in the hustle and bustle of St. Louis city life, for a quieter place where you’ll know just about everyone in town. Have you thought about leaving the city for a simpler life in a small town? Share with us in the comments below.

Take a drive to this resort in Missouri for a refreshing city break!

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These 13 Abandoned Places In St. Louis Are Absolutely Haunting Sun, 04 Sep 2022 19:53:09 +0000 One of the hardest challenges any city faces is what to do when properties are abandoned. St. Louis, like many major cities, is trying to find a good answer to this problem, but it is not an easy task. Property owners are often hard to find and there is never...

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One of the hardest challenges any city faces is what to do when properties are abandoned. St. Louis, like many major cities, is trying to find a good answer to this problem, but it is not an easy task. Property owners are often hard to find and there is never enough money for what always seems to be a costly clean-up. While the city waits on the next steps, these abandoned places in St. Louis are slowly being reclaimed by Mother Nature.

Note: Many of these abandoned places are located on private property and are not open or accessible to the public. Trespassing is a crime and the deteriorated state of these buildings makes them unstable and dangerous. Use your noggin, and do not attempt to enter – explore them vicariously through these photos instead!

Take a look at more abandoned areas of St. Louis:

Have you explored any of these abandoned places in St. Louis? Let us know what they were like in the comments. If you haven’t yet seen them, book a trip to St. Louis and see them for yourself, with permission and from a safe distance, of course. For a more upbeat side of St. Louis life, check out these photos that highlight the positive changes our city has experienced over the years.

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